I have been dying to blow up a particular photograph of Peter as a child (total cuteness) but have not gotten around to it (actually don't know where I would put it, need a bigger place). I am so inspired by these interiors. These large photographs used as art are incredible...what do you think? Would you blow up a photograph and display it right smack in the middle of your living room or dining room? Maybe even as wall paper?? I am loving the photographs in the kitchen...very unexpected and unique.
Be inspired...

{via OKO design}

{Source Unknown}

{source unknown}

{via Lolalina}

{via 10 cent designer}

{via HouseInteriorDecor}

{via Elle Decor}

{via Elle Decor}

{via Lonny}

{via Amber Interiors}

{via Lonny}
Doesn't this post make you want to grab your camera, take cool pictures, and blow them up?? Haha (oh, just thought of a wall I can display Peter's blown up picture...Hmmm)
Actually I looked into getting a landscape mural for the wall that the headboard of the bed rests up against. Only problem is a lot of that stuff has glue backing, and well with Val's asthma..not so good. *sigh* :(
Not to sure about this? Perhaps a gorgeous photo of a cobblestone street down a side street in Paris.
Wow!!!!! These are awesome Iris! Love the images, but what makes them so beautiful is that they mean something special.......they capture a significant one of a kind moment in time. Very inspiring. Now Im gonna go dig through all my Europe/Bahamas/Disneyworld photographs.