Fresh squeezed orange juice using my dad's old (very old) juicer. I remember my dad would make us fresh juice in the morning when I was itty bitty :-)
Paired with fresh wheat refreshing and healthy.
Organic peaches and apples given to me by my awesome aesthetician after my oh-so-needed 2 hour facial. Love Eugenia...she is a lovely Polish lady with the cutest accent.
Isn't this Mayle Florinda embroidered dress so cute and chic? Love it, not so much the price :-(

My beautiful crosses from Artie over at Color Outside the Lines. Check out his blog, love it.
Some more beautiful bottles Artie sent me. These found a home in my bathroom :-)
I am head-over-heels over this room. Go-Gorgeous!!!! Loving the colors. {via Interiors Magazine}

And this weekend, I got the bug to start painting again (thanks to my hun who also got the bug to paint) I used to love painting when I was younger, but for some reason just stopped. I wanted to use the colors from above. Swirls, swirls, swirls=fun and therapeutic ;-)
With summer just around the corner, it's time to pull out all of my white clothes. I love wearing all white...and will pair it with a pop of color such as my bright orange bag or a bright and bold necklace.

Spent my Sunday afternoon with my mom in Belmont Shore and of course I had to stop by my favorite place in the whole wide world....STARBUCKS. And I treated myself to a chocolate chip cookie..yum yum.

Ended my weekend with a little tug-a-war game with Jack. Goodness Gracious is he strong!!!

What are some random pretties on your mind right now?
Happy week!
Hey Iris!! I don't know how I missed this - but I was so HAPPY to see such gorgeous pictures of the bottles in your house! They look magnificent! I'm making a brand new batch now that will be on the blog sometime next week. I hope you'll stop by and see if any of them strike your fancy! :) xo,
Hi Iris! I have a new blog for my bottles, I want to use the pics you took of the bottles there, I hope you don't mind! :)