Sunday, January 30, 2011

In the Tropics!!

It's a tropical Sunday if you ask me...Rain, sun, wind, rain, sun...that's Southern California weather for you. To go with this "tropical" weather...why not make a delicious Pina Colada. Good excuse right? But for all of you "Happy Drinkers," sorry to disappoint, but this is a healthy (best for post workout) non-alcoholic Pina Colada :-)

I found coconut milk at Trader Joe's a while back and had not had the chance (or better, I was lazy) to make something with it.

This is so is all you need:

1 Banana, about 1/2 cup of Pineapple (or to your liking)

Add the coconut milk (about 3/4 cup)

Some ice

and VOILA!!!! Yummy Pina Colada. It is also suppose to have protein powder but I don't do well with protein powders/drinks (I get fluffy haha)




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