As you may remember from here, I participated in a gift swap that the lovely Brandi from Flights of Whimsy organized. I had been wondering if I would get a gift...then I remembered that I had given my P.O. Box for the swap. So, Thursday I finally went to my box (which was full as usual because I go like every 4 months) and had about 3 notices to pick up a box at the counter, a final one that actually said they were sending my gift back if I didn't pick it up soon. I was so excited when I partly opened it and saw that it was from Sarah from La Maison Boheme, I knew right than and there that it would be something fabulous....and it was. Check out my new little on-the-go bag. Isn't the pattern just perfect. And it's PINK inside. LOVE IT!!!
Thank You sooo much Sarah for making this little gift for me.
Check out her is full of awesomeness.
Well, there you go! Isn't that sweet! A new bag to hold all the new make-up and goodies you will no doubt purchase this year!